Synopsis: Elias is born of a family with influence and money. He loves his family, especially his mother and younger siblings, but his father is another story. In his father’s eyes, Eli is a disappointment.
When he comes of age, Eli’s name is put into the Militia Lottery – a drafting process that has served the island nation of Paerleon for centuries, providing young people with jobs in service to their country and their Magistrate. His father has the option, like so many of the upper class, to purchase his sons conscription outright, but he chooses not to do this, knowing that 80-90% of the Militia are sent to the isle of Evermist to serve their terms. Few return.
Join Eli as he travels to the ancient and dangerous island known as ‘Evermist’, a place steeped in folklore, mystery and magics. Eli must learn what he needs to survive if he ever wants to see his family again, and if he ever wants to leave this place that has been locked away from the rest of the world for all time…
About the Author
Patrick Hester was born in Chicago but raised in Fresno, California. He moved to Colorado in 2003 and hasn’t looked back.
Patrick has never been married, and has no kids. He plays the guitar, preferring his acoustic Takamine, but he also has a hollow body Gibson that he treasures, and it sounds great when hooked up to his acoustic amp. He loves music but, especially, the Blues – he has written a few songs that have impressed those around him. He enjoys playing for people who want to listen but is a bit too shy for large crowds (for now anyway) and prefers more intimate settings when he plays.
Patrick’s goal is to be a published author. He began in high school, crafting stores that were mostly fan fiction and typed up on a very old typewriter that would get jammed because he typed too fast for it to keep up. From there he upgraded to a slightly less old, yet still ancient electric typewriter, then to a word processor and finally to computers. The idea for The New Universe came to him early on and has always been present in the back of his mind – in short, everything he writes is related; it all takes place in the same ‘universe’. He continues to write, maintaining a blog, All Things From My Brain, and a website dedicated to his fiction, The New Universe, honing his skills and preparing for the day when his novels appear in a bookstore near you.