Archive for the ‘News’ Category


Been a little busy lately.  Evermist is actually a done deal, but I always like to go through and edit episodes before they go live.  Sometimes I do this one chapter at a time, sometimes in groups, sometimes – not at all!

Right now, I’ve been distracted by my other writing project, Sam Kane, and by massive amounts of work at the day job and the podcast, so I haven’t prepped Chapters 32 and beyond yet.  To give me some time to get caught up, I’m going to take a little hiatus on new chapters for a weekish.

New chapters will return starting June 11th.

Thanks for continuing to read 🙂


Okay peoples – over on the downloads page, I have put up Chapters 11-20 and Chapters 21-30 as PDF’s that you can download and read whenever you like.

Because I spent some time working on that, I’m going to take this week off from a regular chapter but new chapters will begin again next Friday, the 14th of May!



on September 24, 2009 in News No Comments »

Evermist is a new, serial fiction piece coming to you once a week as part of my ‘Tales From The New Universe’ series.

Synopsis: Elias is born of a family with influence and money. He loves his family, especially his mother and younger siblings, but his father is another story. In his father’s eyes, Eli is a disappointment.

When he comes of age, Eli’s name is put into the Militia Lottery – a drafting process that has served the island nation of Paerleon for centuries, providing young people with jobs in service to their country and their Magistrate. His father has the option, like so many of the upper class, to purchase his son’s conscription outright, but he chooses not to do this, knowing that 80-90% of the Militia are sent to the isle of Evermist to serve their terms. Few return.

Join Eli as he travels to the ancient and dangerous island known as ‘Evermist’, a place steeped in folklore, mystery and magics. Eli must learn what he needs to survive if he ever wants to see his family again, and if he ever wants to leave this place that has been locked away from the rest of the world for all time…

Evermist begins: October 2nd, 2009.