
Evermist is great, right?  But you find it difficult to read fiction online?  That’s okay – I understand, and I feel your pain.  So, me being me, I’ve decided to make PDF’s available to you, the reader, for download.

…and the best part? IT’S ALL -FREE-!

Free, despite the millions (well, not millions) of hours I’ve spent toiling (Actually, I tend to sit in the giant comfy chair which isn’t really ‘toiling’) away on a manual typewriter (I don’t use a manual typewriter anymore though I do miss it), writing this fantastic journey I like to all ‘Evermist’ (Cuz that’s it’s name. It’d be stupid to call it ‘Bob’s Diner’).  Free, even though other authors charge hundreds (Ok, maybe ‘tens’) of  THOUSANDS (now I’m just making shit up) of dollars for similar works of science fiction and fantasy.

Free.  It’s what this country was founded on (that and huge slabs of concrete & the idea that taxes are a bad idea that chokes the growth of an economy – boy have we forgotten all about THAT…).

Evermist Free Downloads

Disclaimer and Legal stuff: All downloads are PDF files.  You will need a PDF reader in order to view the document – I suggest Adobe Acrobat Reader.  I own the copyright on everything. © 2009 & 2010 Patrick Hester – All Rights Reserved.  Please don’t redistribute the files – if you know somebody who should be reading Evermist, point them here so I get the traffic!  Please don’t copy/paste my stuff – that goes back to the whole copyright thing.  If you like what you read, just link back here.  Thanks!

More downloads to come later – each will contain 10 Juicy Chapters of Evermist – fortified with all of your essential daily vitamins (I can’t confirm that) and protein (not even a little, really) not to mention 4 grams of fiber (there’s no fiber. How would you add fiber to an electronic document? MADNESS!).  Check back often (or else… *shakes fist in a menacing manner*).


2 Responses to “Downloads”

  1. […] Tale of The New Universe HomeAboutThe MapDownloads New Downloads Available Patrick Hester on May 8, 2010 in […]